Multi-Family Residential and HOA Security Solutions

Multi-resident complexes and mixed-use facilities, like HOA pools and clubhouses are a prime target for violence, theft, and vandalism. And it’s no surprise why. These areas often witness high traffic, providing ample opportunities for theft and vandalism, while the anonymity in large communities allows individuals to commit crimes without being recognized. The lack of security measures and the fact that these common areas are often unmonitored creates a window of opportunity for potential criminals. Additionally, there may be ambiguity around responsibility for monitoring and securing common areas can lead to security gaps. However, these risks can be mitigated through the investment in security measures such as video surveillance cameras, access systems, and lighting, coupled with fostering a community culture where residents are more likely to report suspicious activities.


Multi-Family Residential


Pools & Shared Areas

Common Challenges

Owners and property managers are tasked with the difficult job of finding solutions to minimize these threats and lower liability, while maintaining a welcoming and safe environment for their tenants and tenants’ assets. It’s a fine balance but an important one to achieve because happy residents ensures competitive rates and minimum vacancy rates.

A few common challenges they face:

  • Pool access after-hours increases liability and safety concerns
  • Amenity misuse and damage to common areas
  • Trespassing and vagrancy
  • Theft and vandalism in parking lots, mailrooms and dumpster areas
  • Fradulent tenant or guest claims
  • Budget limitations
  • Aggressive Panhandling
  • Extensive Loitering

Live Guards and Traditional Security Options Are Failing

The two most common security options cities have turned to — passive video surveillance systems and on-site security guards — are no longer viable options.

Traditional video security solutions such as video surveillance and video verification only respond to or monitor criminal activity; they do not prevent it. Additionally, with these solutions, whether or not there is an actual threat, they will dispatch to law enforcement, potentially costing property managers and owners, which could ultimately increase rental rates and HOA fees.

On-site guards and drive-by patrol services are more costly than ever and present additional challenges. Guard services are limited in their effectiveness, they are only human after all. Guards cannot be everywhere at once, so they may not be in the right place at the right time when an incident is happening. Furthermore, guards are often there to observe and report, not to intervene. Paying thousands of dollars per month for guard services that can only respond to incidents, not prevent them, isn’t the best solution.

Contact us to discuss how Netwatch can help keep your MULTI-RESIDENT COMPLEXES SAFE AND SECURE!

The Better Way to Secure Your Properties and Multi-Use Facilities

To minimize threats and liability to their property, these facilities and complexes need an immediate response to incidents to stop criminal activity. Thankfully, new video monitoring solutions are highly effective and cost-efficient, and leverage the power of AI to reduce criminal activity.

Netwatch utilizes an advanced technology stack, blending AI with purpose-built technology, to identify and prevent potential threats and undesirable activities. Upon confirming a threat, an immediate audible warning is issued to alert the individual(s), with intervention specialists providing personalized audio warnings until the situation is resolved. This human-technology approach deters criminals by making them aware of surveillance and likely authorities’ involvement, resulting in a 98% prevention rate for incidents.

Furthermore, our intelligent detection solution provides a 24/7, 365-day security guard, reducing the need for hiring security guards, potentially saving you 70-80% annually.

With over 125,000 crimes prevented to date, Netwatch Proactive Video Monitoring is the proven way to protect business.

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