Better Security for Commercial Property

Commercially managed properties, from office to apartment buildings, are commonly tasked with security challenges related to trespassing, loitering and crime, which deteriorate peace-of-mind and open the door to criminal activity.

There are a few fundamental precautions commercial property managers can take to help better protect people, property and physical assets. First, understand and identify potential threats based on your facility’s specific location, and how they can impact business operations. It’s also important to assess what preventative measures may be working better than others at commercially managed properties in your area.

Contact us to discuss how Netwatch can help protect commercial properties!

Common Challenges

Commercially managed properties are often hard to secure due to:

  • Large perimeter areas to monitor and secure
  • Multiple points of entry
  • Unfrequented areas offering privacy or shelter
  • Availability of resources (personal property, mail rooms, garbage and recycling)
  • Anonymity due to high volume of occupants and visitors

One proven tactic is to minimize threats and liabilities is to keep problems from entering your facility or business. This can be achieved in several ways at the perimeter and building entrances, within entry lobbies, and at stairwells, elevators, and tenant entries.

One of the most frequently sought solutions is to deploy video surveillance cameras, which can help provide wide area situational awareness. The problem is that cameras don’t prevent crime – they only document it – but only if they’re operational, continuously monitored, and properly placed at the time of the incident. Even the use of security guards has limitations, as they can’t be everywhere or monitor everything at once, are often not properly trained in preventive tactics, and are subject to everyday distractions.

Virtual Live Surveillance is the Solution

Our innovative Proactive Video Monitoring platform provides commercially managed properties with a highly effective and cost-efficient way to protect people, property, and assets. Our purpose-built platform and dedicated team of intervention specialists deliver the perfect, and proven combination of video surveillance technology with professionally trained supervision to cost-effectively monitor and protect your facility and its operations with the highest levels of efficiency. The moment a potential problem is detected, our expertly trained specialists verify and intervene as needed, providing live-personalized audio warnings, which have a 98% efficacy rate in deterring bad behavior and stopping crimes. In fact, Netwatch PVM has proven effective in preventing over 125,000 crimes to date.

Contact us to discuss how Netwatch can help keep your commercially managed properties safe and secure!

Here’s how it works…

Netwatch PVM enlists the expertise of our highly trained intervention specialists who have specialized skillsets to detect, analyze and address potential threats as they are unfolding in real-time. This enables them to respond instantly with the best course of action to de-escalate or minimize harm to people, property and assets.

Netwatch maintains best-in-class PVM Communication Monitoring Centers based in the United States with geo-diversity to maintain continuous vigilance of your property with total redundancy. These highly diversified and advanced security monitoring centers ensure constant and uninterrupted surveillance by our team of professionals.

PVM Communication Monitoring Centers employ cutting-edge surveillance and communication technologies including the latest advancements in AI-driven analytics, to ensure the highest levels of proactive situational awareness.

Netwatch specializes in providing security for commercially managed properties. By knowing the distinct security challenges and nuances of your business model, Netwatch PVM transcends traditional security services to support your distinct needs.

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