So Long, Farewell: Why Video Verification Should be Left in 2023


2024 is here, and the world is witnessing a dramatic shift in how businesses approach security and surveillance. The COVID-19 pandemic and rising security concerns have forced companies to rethink their strategies and embrace solutions that make reactive measures a thing of the past. Traditionally, video surveillance has been just that, a reactive tool used primarily for post-incident investigations. However, the limitations of this post-incident approach have become increasingly apparent, and businesses are now turning to preventative solutions for a proactive and comprehensive strategy.

From Reaction to Prevention
While effective in confirming incidents and assisting authorities with investigations, video verification is an inherently reactionary surveillance format. When an alarm is triggered, an on-site operator reviews the footage and contacts authorities if a crime is verified, making a record of the incident. While this can be valuable in certain situations, it does little to prevent losses or criminal activity.

On the other hand, proactive video solutions empower security personnel to take forward-thinking measures. With an active human presence behind every camera, PVM detects unauthorized or suspicious activity and alerts intervention specialists to take appropriate action. These specialists can assess the situation in real time and engage with potential intruders through live audio warnings. In 98 percent of cases, a live audio warning is sufficient to halt criminal actions, thus preventing costly damages to user property.

A Cost-Effective Alternative
Proactive video monitoring offers a significant cost-effective advantage over traditional video verification methods. While video verification technology mainly confirms incidents after they occur, PVM actively prevents crimes and reduces unnecessary expenses. Additionally, PVM minimizes false alarms, ensuring that security and law enforcement are only notified upon visual confirmation of a genuine threat. This helps users avoid costly fines as a result of unnecessary dispatches.

Reduced false alarms translate to lower operational costs and more efficient resource allocation. Moreover, PVM’s ability to deter potential intruders through live audio warnings results in quicker response times from law enforcement, minimizing potential damage and financial losses. Additionally, the data-driven insights and comprehensive reporting provided by PVM offer businesses valuable information for optimizing security strategies and minimizing risks, ultimately making it a cost-effective choice in security solutions.

Instant Incident Reports
Another compelling advantage of PVM is the wealth of data it generates for users. While video verification systems can create detailed incident reports after an incident, security personnel may take longer than usual to piece together the relevant information. Conversely, PVM provides comprehensive incident reports and trend analysis within 24 hours based on data collected in real time. Advanced algorithms can identify high-risk areas, track event frequencies, and offer invaluable insights. These reports are instrumental in various ways, such as providing evidence in police investigations, meeting insurance requirements, and facilitating compliance audits.

2024 and Beyond: Is PVM in?
Compared to video verification technology, proactive video monitoring emerges as the way forward for video surveillance solutions. PVM enhances security and mitigates fines and repair costs, meeting the demand for intelligent video monitoring solutions. Proactive video monitoring represents a transformative leap forward in surveillance technology, enabling businesses to protect their assets and prevent crimes more effectively than ever. It’s time to embrace what lies ahead in the world of security.

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